travel tips, tourism & vacations
Top 10 most intriguing trip destinations and tourist attractions (part 2)

Top 10 most intriguing trip destinations and tourist attractions (part 2)

May 31, 2016

In case you are still looking for something a little more thrilling that your usual trip, here are some more suggestions for intriguing and different destinations around the world.

6. Bodiam Castle in East Sussex, England
bodiam castleThe Bodiam Castle located in East Sussex, England, is a 14th century castle (it was built in 1385), its initial purpose being defending the are against the French invasion during the Hundred Years’ War. The castle has now been declared a building of “national importance”, a Scheduled Monument and it has been given protection against unauthorised change.

Representing “the popular idea of a medieval castle”, as historian Charles Coulson says, the castle, which is now open to the public, has attracted nearly 170 000 visitors in 2014.
There’s absolutely no doubt that the castle is an incredible example of Medieval architecture. The techniques used in building it are meant to create amazing illusions, such as the forced-perspective technique, that makes it seem much taller and imposing that is actually is.There are four round drum-towers – one at each corner of the castle. The walls are studded with towers and other outbuildings, giving the impression of grandeur and complexity.

7. Craco, Italy
craco italy
Another ghost town that definitely worth a visit is Craco, located in the Province of Matera, in the southern Italian region of Basilicata. Built on a steep summit for defensive reasons, the town has a striking appearance and it creates a great contrast with the soft shapes of the surrounding land.

Starting in 1963, the town started to face some serious trouble. First, a landslide forced the inhabitants to move to the valley of Craco Peschiera. A possible repopulation of this historic centre was prevented by a flood in 1972. The situation worsened even more in 1980, when an earthquake transformed Craco in a ghost town, completely abandoned and forgotten.

Its unique landscape and fascinating features saved the town from sinking into oblivion, as it was used as the setting of many movies (for example, in The Passion of The Christ from 2014, the town can be seen in the scene of the hanging of Judas).

The town has been described by visitors as surreal, a little creepy but totally awesome. A great guide with a lot of knowledge about this site can make your journey even better, as light is slowly brought upon the aura of mystery that accompanies these places.

Look for available flights!

8. The Tunnel of Love in Ukraine
tunnel of love
One of the favourite spots for taking a romantic walk or having a couple’s photo-shoot is the Tunnel of Love. Located in Ukraine, its main purpose is actually to serve as part of an industrial railway that connects the towns of Klevan and Orzhiv. The three kilometre railway leads to the fibreboard factory, and the train passes through this tunnel three times a day to deliver wood to this factory.

The green corridor created by the trees makes this place a very attractive spot for couples and photographers. The eye catching avenue can be a very impressive view and it is also dais that if you come with your beloved here and make a sincere wish, it will come true. As one of the most romantic places out there to discover, the Tunnel of Love is definitely worth a visit.

9. Nara Dreamland in Japan
nara dreamland
This was a theme park near Nara, in Japan, built in 1961 and inspired by the Disneyland in California. The park closed its doors permanently in August 2006 due to low visitor numbers.

It is now a mysterious and intriguing spot, with an eerie atmosphere and a bizarre vibe to it. Many passionate photographers that are attracted to this place go for an adrenaline filled adventure to capture the best sights on camera, because, well.. access to this place is not actually allowed. There are security guards and you can be fined, but some adventurous people have risked coming here and it paid off. While illegal activities are definitely not encouraged, this place is worth at least a glimpse from the outside or a little bit of internet research around it, at least for the purpose of satisfying curiosity.

10. North Brother Island near New York City, New York
north brother island
The North and South Brother Islands are a pair of small islands located in New York City’s East River. The North Brother Island was once the site of a hospital, but is now uninhabited and designated as a bird sanctuary. The Riverside Hospital was founded in the 1850s as the Smallpox Hospital to treat and isolate victims of that disease. Its mission eventually expanded to other quarantinable diseases. In the 1950s, a centre opened here to treat adolescent drug addicts, but by the early 1960s, widespread staff corruption and patient recidivism forced the facility to close.

After everything that it’s been through, the island is now a bird sanctuary, an abandoned site and it is not open yet to the public. There are about 26 structures in various states of decay and for the majority of the year the island is completely overgrown by vegetation. After a visit in October 2014 with a delegation, the Chair of City Council’s Park Committee, Mark Levine, expressed his desire to open the island for a limited, “environmentally sensitive” public access. UPenn researchers are in the course of examining the state of the buildings, surveying plant life and developing cost-analysis plans for conservation and public access.

If you’ve decided to spice your next trip and begin your journey towards one (or more) of these amazing places, check out the complete list of hotels nearby and the available flights to your destination on TripEconomy. Enjoy your adventure!
