travel tips, tourism & vacations
Top 6 best train rides

Top 6 best train rides

November 4, 2016

Does your everyday life involve getting stuck in traffic often or are you just tired of the same roads and side walks all the time? When is the last time you took a train somewhere? You may think that travelling by train is not a very practical idea, but choose the right places and routes and you will be amazed by how relaxing and serene a train ride can get. Take a break from the chaotic traffic on the streets and in your life and choose a ride from our list for your next vacation!

1. The Glacier Express – 7 hours

View from the Glacier Express train ride in Switzerland

A visual feast – this is the expression that represents this ride in the best way. The Glacier Express travels through lush valleys, gorges capped with snow, 91 tunnels and accros 291 bridges. From St. Moritz to Zermatt, this ride will show you all the stunning views of Switzerland’s Alps. The “world’s slowest fast train” completes this ride in approximately 7 unforgettable hours. The incredible views will leave you speechless and completely amazed by the beauty of this country and its mountains. It’s the perfect change of scenery for a great vacation.


2. Hiram Bingham Orient Express – 1 day
Spending one whole day on a train sounds awful? It’s not! The Hiram Bingham Orient Express does not only take you to one of the most impressive tourist sites out there (the Inca citadel of Macchu Picchu), but it provides everything you need for your journey to be the best. The ride starts in Cusco and then follows a winding, scenic railway though the Andes and crossing the Urubamba River, offering some great views that you’ll be able to enjoy from a train that has all the comfort and serves a delicious brunch on the way there and a four-course dinner on the way back. The guests also receive a guided tour of the ancient citadel!

3. The Royal Scotsman – 2 – 5 days

The Royal Scotsman

The Royal Scotsman

If you feel like being spoiled, this ride is for you! The fantastic cuisine, the fine wines and the stunning cabins will make you forget that you are actually on a train and you will feel like a king or a queen. There are various rides that go around the Scottish Highlands or all the way around Great Britain so, depending on the itinerary, a ride can take 2 to 5 days. The more you want to see, the longer the ride, but that’s not going to be a problem, because the conditions are amazing.

This vintage train starts its journey in Edinburgh and goes around the Scottish Highlands, passing serene lakes and glens, beautiful streams, some picturesque landscapes and a few impressive ancient castles. The views are definitely worth it.

Another really fun thing about this ride is that you can rent a kilt on the train or have one custom-tailored to wear during the journey.

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4. The Rocky Mountaineer – 2 – 8 days

The Rocky Mountaineer

The Rocky Mountaineer

This great private train travels from Vancouver to Banff, Jasper and Calgary, taking you to see the amazing views of the Rocky Mountains from up close, while also providing the best travelling conditions. The ride includes onboard traditional native storytelling, natural history workshops and wine appreciation classes and you can have an incredibly irresistible meal in the dining car, along with all sorts of cocktails and snacks served on the observation level. The nights will be spent at some of the most amazing hotels on the way.
In you choose the right time of the year to take this ride (June), the landscapes are beautifully completed by blooming flowers and abundant wildlife that populates the glacier-fed lakes, the green forests and the rushing rivers.

5. The Trans-Siberian Railway – 6 days
The Trans-Siberian actually has more than one ride travelling its way, so you can choose whatever train appeals to you, depending on your preferences and, of course, your budget. You can take a local stopper, an grand international train that runs the main route or maybe even a train that moves towards Beijing. The Rossiva No. 2, the public train that covers the Trans-Siberian takes 6 days to complete the journey and it represents a great way to observe the locals. The complete ride starts in Moscow and reaches its end in Vladivostok, Russia.

6. Danube Express, Balkan Odyssey – 11 days

The Bran Castle in Brasov, Romania

The Bran Castle in Brasov, Romania

The Danube Express is a luxurious hotel train that will take you through some of the best European cities and offer you an experience for a lifetime. Prague, Vienna, Berlin, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Trieste and Brasov are just a few of the many amazing cities that you will have the opportunity to see if you take this ride.

The Balkan Odyssey is an 11 day ride that starts in Budapest and ends in Venice. On the 4th day of your journey you will arrive in Brasov and Sighisoara, 2 amazing Romanian cities, in the heart of the wonderful Carpathian mountains. The Bran Castle in Brasov is a must when it comes to visiting this country, since this is where all those Dracula legends come from. It is an intriguing but great experience, definitely worth trying. The train will then continue its journey through Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and Italy, where you will come across some of the most wonderful landscapes and some amazing attractions that you have to visit.

Pack your bags and get your tickets! Be prepared for a journey for a lifetime, a relaxing but fascinating ride, a vacation that you will never forget! You have the opportunity to see so many beautiful things, landscapes, cities, natural wonders, mountains and lakes and experience life in a totally different way than you’re used to. Plan your vacation with TripEconomy: check out our complete list of hotels and the available flights to your destination, in case its needed for the journey you chose. Enjoy the ride!
